Prime JavaScript tutorial
Running JavaScript
JavaScript first program
Let's analyze the program code
Next examples
Script files
Multiple files
Files caching
Strict mode
Using of variables
Declaring of multiple variables
Variable value changes
Multiple let for single variable
Math operations on numbers
Math operations on variables
Math operations precedence
Equal precedence
Grouping parentheses
Negative numbers
Plus sign before variables
Division remainder
Exponentiation precedence
String concatenation
String length
Template strings
Multiline strings
Special values
Undefined value
Null value
True and false values
NaN value
Infinity и -Infinity
Data type in the console
Errors in the console
Automatic type conversion
Conversion to number
Short number conversion
Incorrect numbers conversion
Numbers extraction
Conversion to string
String conversion applying
Boolean type conversion
Conversion to boolean type
String characters
String immutability
Last string character
Strings containing digits
Accessing the digits of a number
Operations to change a variable
Shorthand operations
Increment and decrement
Prefix and postfix type
Inaccurate calculations
Prompt function
Prompt types problem
Writing to document
Finding mistakes practice
Operations practicum
Formulas practicum
Introduction to arrays
Getting elements
Array length
Changing elements
Overwriting an array elements
Increment and decrement
Adding elements by keys
Sparse arrays
Adding elements via "push"
Keys from variables
Delete operator
Finding mistakes practice
Introduction to objects
Entire object output
String keys of objects
Object properties
Object key restrictions
Changing elements
Adding elements
Object disorder
Array of object keys
Object length
Keys from variables
Mistake accessing element
Mistake accessing property
Computed properties
in operator
delete operator
Object typification
Arrays as objects
Distinguishing arrays from objects
Objects and primitives
Passing objects by reference
Programming style through constants
Finding mistakes practice
if-else construct
Greater than and less than operators
Checking for equality
Checking for inequality
Variables comparison
String equality
Strings and numbers equality
Equality in value and type
Inequality in value and type
Logical AND
Logical OR
Precedence of logical operators
Combining conditions
Inverting logical expressions
Conditions with boolean values
Comparing values with a boolean type
Shorthand checking for true
Shorthand checking for false
General shorthand checking
Complex conditions in shortened form
Optionality of else construct
Optionality of curly braces
Braces optionality problem
else if construct
Nested if-else constructs
switch-case construct
Break optionality
Ternary operator
Logical operations
confirm function
Nuances of scope
Checking parts of hour
Checking the length of strings and arrays
Checking the characters of a string
Checking the digits of a number
Checking the division remainder
Finding mistakes practice
For loop
For-of loop
For-in loop
While loop
For-loop for arrays
Conditions in loops
Accumulation of numbers
Accumulation of array elements
String formation
Digits of a number
break statement
continue statement
Nested loops
Nested loops and scope
Filling an array
Changing an array
Filling objects
Changing objects
Working with flags
Coding tips
Code debugging tips
Finding mistakes practice
Multidimensional arrays
Three-dimensional array
Arbitrary arrays
Iterating over multidimensional arrays
Iterating through the ordinary for
Filling multidimensional arrays
Issues of filling multidimensional arrays
Filling multidimensional arrays in order
Multidimensional objects
Iterating over multidimensional objects
Multidimensional structures
Iterating over multidimensional structures
Array of objects
Keys from variables
Adding elements to arrays
Adding elements to objects
Standard methods
Rounding functions
Character case
String cutting
String searching
String replacing
String parts
Boundary elements
Array cutting
Array searching
Object keys
User-defined functions
Function parameters
Multiple parameters
Optional parameters
Return statement
Sequential function call
Return nuance
Loop and return
Usage of return in loops
Return trick
Flags in functions
Logical operators in functions
Function advices
Finding mistakes practice
Functions practicum
Function variables
Global variables
Local variables
Variables names coincidence
Changing global variables
Global variables and function parameters
Variable and parameter names coincidence
Types of Function Declarations
Source code of function and result
Function as variable
Function to variable
Assigning functions to variables
Function and variable same name
Declaration types
Difference between declarations
Semicolon for declaring functions
Nuances of Function expressions
Function has name, but is Function Expression
Named function expressions
How to check the type of a function
Left expression
Right expression
Array with functions
Object with functions
Application of object with functions
Nested functions
Passing functions as parameters
Named functions parameters
Parameters of passed functions
Pass a number as a parameter
Passing functions applying
Inner functions
Inner functions scope
Parameters of outer function
Outer and inner functions parameters
Same name parameters
Function returning a function
Any nesting level
Returning function parameters
Callback functions
Arrow functions
Arrow functions applying
Outer variables access
Lexical environment of functions
Lexical environment applying
Intro in closures
Counter using closure
Nuance local variable
Nuance global variable
Assignment function to a variable
Round brackets
Multiple calling
Semicolon for safety
Closures and IIFE
Example with a parameter
Sum of array elements with recursion
Multidimensional structures
Sum of array elements
Manipulations with elements
Iteration methods
Spread operator
Spread operator
More advanced examples
Extreme array values
Spread operator and array merging
Spread operator for strings
Spread operator and numbers
Rest operator
Array destructuring
Array from a function
Skipping array elements
Extra array values
Rest of an array
Default values for arrays
Default functions for arrays
Variable declaration for arrays
Object destructuring
Variable names for objects
Default values for objects
Default variables and values for objects
Declaring variables for objects
Function parameters
Objects in function parameters destructuring
Working with the Date object
Date formats
Changing a date format
Getting the day of the week
Outputting a date with words
Time setting
Timestamp format
Timestamp difference
Difference of objects with date
Automatic date adjustment
Finding the last day of the month
Leap year determination
Date validation
Day of the current year
Day of the current month
Day of next or previous year
Day of next or previous month
Difference of points in time
Point in time of day
Beginning of the day
End of the day
Loop check of time
Practice in getting points in time
String comparison of dates
Comparison of date without year
Date falling into the interval
Comparing objects with dates
Introduction to the DOM
DOM elements
Getting a DOM element
Advanced selectors of the DOM element
Attaching handlers
Named event handlers
Single handler for elements
Handlers for one event
Handlers for different events
Element text
HTML code of element
Tag attributes as properties
Working with text fields
Text fields focus
Methods and properties chains
Advantages and disadvantages of chains
This object
This advantage
Getting a group of elements
Named handlers in a loop
Anonymous handlers in a loop
Unbinding event handlers
Unbinding handlers in a loop
Unbinding anonymous handlers
Coding tips
Finding mistakes practice
Attributes getting method
Attributes setting method
Attributes removing method
Attributes checking method
Custom attributes
Custom hyphenated names
Data methods
CSS classes array
CSS classes adding
CSS classes removing
CSS classes checking
CSS classes toggling
Elements descendants
Elements parents
All parents
Searching by id
Searching by tag
Searching by class
Searching insideelement
Working with textarea
Element disabling
Working with checkboxes
Alternating attributes without values
Working with radio buttons
Change event
Input event
Focus and blur methods
Dropdown lists
Working with dropdown lists
Value attribute of dropdown lists
Changing the selected list item
Number of the selected list item
Getting dropdown list items
Items as array
Selecting a list item
Getting the selected option
Event object
Event object basics
Event coordinates
Event type
Event element
Getting pressed keys
Modifier key tracking
Canceling default action
Event bubbling
Target element when bubbling
Stopping event bubbling
Multiple handlers on an element
Immediate termination of bubbling
Usage of stopping event bubbling
Events capturing
Handlers for new elements
Event delegation
Universal event delegation
Context basics
Unbound function context
Context losing
Solving the context problem
Variable solution
Passing parameter-solution
Arrow function solution
Call method
Call method with parameters
Apply method
Bind method
Timer start
Сounter using a timer
Stopping a timer
Buttons to start
Multiple launch
Buttons to stop
Working with the DOM
Timers and context loss
Timers and the DOM practicum
Delay before execution
Timer with Delay
Element manipulation
Creating and inserting elements
Binding events on insertion
Creating elements in a loop
Attaching handlers in a loop
Removing elements
Insertion on edges
Insertion before
Adjacent insertion
Adjacent tag insertion
Cloning elements
Checking elements
Creating elements from an array
Creating ul lists in practice
Creating HTML tables
Sequential populating an HTML table
Creating a table from an array
Creating a table from an array of objects
Adding rows and columns to a table
Modifying table cells
Removing new items
Link to remove an element
Creating links to remove
Editing a single element
Hiding text while editing
Editing in a group of elements
Simultaneous editing and removal
Element styling
Buttons to hide and show an element
Many elements with show buttons
Element activation
Alternation of activation styles
Changing elements in practice
Functions an the DOM
Functions for working with a DOM element
Functions for working with a group of elements
Passing a callback to work with the DOM
Passing an index number to a callback
Passing an element as a function parameter
Passing a group of elements as parameters
Function for creating HTML tables
Returning a table from a function
Function to create a table from an array