Redux Book
Tools for work
Basic tools
Installing and Preparing a React Application
Installing Redux and RTK with React
Installing Redux DevTools Extension
Installing React Router
Basic scheme of work
Adding a slice
Selectors and the useSelector hook
Getting data from store in component
Forms and Local States
Adding a form
Reducer and action
Sending action
Discussion of the circuit operation
Working with data
Separate page for the product
Product page in browser
Changing product data in store
Form for editing data
Product edit page in browser
Preparing data for the action object
Adding another slice
Adding seller information
Making changes to the form
Reusing data from a slice
Adding additional logic
Adding a Reducer
Sending action
Server and database
Changing the state structure
Optimizing work with selectors
Installing msw to work with the server
Database for server
Creating data models for the database
Creating an object with seller data
Creating an object with product data
Creating records in the database
Sending data from the server via GET request
Client for the application
Asynchronous logic and Thunks
Introduction to thunks
Benefits of using createAsyncThunk
Sending a thunk from a component
Additional reducers
Eliminate duplicate request.
Applying Request Status
Getting seller data
Direct thunk shipping
Processing a request sent using thunk
Sending data using thunk
Output of work results in the component
Displaying a list of sellers
Seller page