Prime React Book
Installing React
Connecting the react-devtools plugin
Component approach
Website layout
Result of the component's work
JSX language
Introduction to JSX
Return nested tags
Tag demolition down
Returning multiple tags
Returning an unclosed tag
Returning an empty tag from a function
Inserting variable values
Nuances when inserting variables
Inserting arrays
Inserting objects
Insert into attributes
Storing Tags in JSX
Storing multiple tags
Tags on different lines
Return tags
JSX tags closure
Correctness of layout
Executing JavaScript code
Terms and Conditions
Conditions in JSX
Show by condition
Conditions for returning a tag
Ternary Operator in JSX
Using the operator && in JSX
Inversion for reduced conditions
Using functions
Calling functions inside tags
Hanging handlers
Handler parameters
Event object
Event object when passing parameters
Formation of tags
Array of tags
Array of tags in a loop
Tags from data array
Keys in array
Array of objects
Keys via id
Table from array of objects
Unique ids
Problems with new ids
Random strings for id
Generate id
Function to generate id
Using the id function
Incorrect use of function
Working with inputs
Changing input data when outputting it
Changing data using a function
Working with multiple inputs
Processing form data
Working with textarea
Working with checkboxes
Checkboxes and conditional rendering
Working with selects
Select items from array
Value attributes in select
Select value attributes from array
Working with radio
Default values
Binding inputs to an array
Binding inputs to an object
Reactive Append to Array
Reactive operations on arrays
Reactively adding to an array of objects
Reactive operations on arrays of objects
Reactive data display
Introduction to Components
Using components
Multiple instances of a component
Component props
Child components
Array for creating child components
Child components in a loop
Passing states to child components
Passing id to component
Changing the parent state
Editing the parent state
Editing the Progenitor State
Modes of operation via states
Component data
Component types
Unidirectional data flow
Rise of fortunes
One source of truth
Styling Methods in React
Global CSS
Inserting data into the style attribute from an object
Inserting data into the style attribute from a separate file
Working with CSS styles in the style attribute
Inserting data into the style attribute from variables
Styled Components
Props in Styled Components
Props and Conditional Rendering in Styled Components
Components with advanced styling
Getting Started with CSS Modules
Continuing to work with CSS modules
The composes command for classes
composes command for files