CSS reference
The most important properties
font size
italic text
bold text
line height
font (type) family
shorthand form for a font
text indentation
text alignment
under- over- line and line-through
decorative line position
decorative line type
decorative line color
character case change
small caps
custom font
font size adjustment
spacing between letters
spacing between words
last line alignment
vertical alignment
type of quotation marks
font kerning
fill color of text characters
character orientation in vertical text
text characters stroke
color of text characters stroke
width of text characters stroke
text direction
shorthand for border
left border
right border
top border
bottom border
border width
border type
border color
left border width
right border width
top border width
bottom border width
left border style
right border style
top border style
bottom border style
left border color
right border color
top border color
bottom border color
shorthand property for background
background color
background image
background scrolling behavior
background image position
background repeat method
background image position
background position
horizontal position of background
vertical position of background
background image size_
background blur
background brightness
background contrast
background shadow
background hue
background colors inversion
background transparency
background sepia
blending background image with background color
blend mode of original color with background
background style
Border image
border image
path to border image
splitting an image for a border into parts
way to repeat a border image
border image outset
scaling border image
Using the mouse
style precedence
style for media type
style of elements whose capabilities are supported by the browser
importing a CSS file into the current stylesheet
default element style
elements style in full screen mode
elements style with a specified range of values
style for switches that are in an indeterminate state
style for inputs where an invalid value was entered
style for input that does not have the required attribute
style of elements whose values are out of range
style of elements when displaying tooltip text
input style with the readonly attribute
style of inputs available for change
style for an input that has the required attribute set
style for inputs where a valid value was entered
text cursor color in input
style elements in focus
scroll inside element
Margins and paddings
top margin
bottom margin
left margin
right margin
top padding
bottom padding
left padding
right padding
end padding of an element along block axis
start padding of an element along block axis
end padding of an element along inline axis
start padding of an element along inline axis
method for calculating padding, border and width
method of displaying elements
element aspect ratio
scaling elements
Size units
axes direction
main axis alignment
cross axis alignment
multi-line blocks arrangement
shorthand flex-direction and flex-wrap
block alignment along the cross axis
sequence order
base block size
block's "greed"
"shrink" block value
shorthand for flex-grow, flex-shrink и flex-basis
starting position of an element in a column_
ending position of an element in a column
starting and ending position of an element in a column
starting position of an element in a row
ending position of an element in a row
starting and ending position of an element in a row
number and width of columns in a grid
number and width of columns in an implicitly-created grid
number and width of rows in a grid
number and width of rows in an implicitly-created grid
placing elements in a grid
grid element name
gap between elements in a grid
gap between rows in a grid
gap between columns in a grid
shorthand for grid properties
automatic placement of elements in a grid
number and width of columns and rows for an element
alignment along the cross or block axis
aligning elements inside grid cells along inline axis
aligning elements within grid cells
aligning a single element in grid along inline axis
aligning a single element in a grid
alignment along the main and cross axes
floating elements
position on Z-axis
positioning after first element
position of an element bottom edge
position of an element top edge
position of an element left edge
position of an element right edge
table caption position
cancels float for specified side
By position
By type and position
first child of a parent of a given type
last child of a parent of a given type
nth child of a parent of a given type
nth child of a parent of a given type from the end
the only child of a parent of a given type
Text element
Smooth transitions
rotation around the X-axis
rotation around the Y-axis
rotation around the Z-axis
rotation around all axes
Inserting text
descendant selector
child selector
adjacent sibling selector
general sibling selector
universal selector