Glossary of programming terms

Code style

Code style Code style camelCase Snake code style_case kebab-case code style PascalCase code style

Programming principles

SOLID principle The DRY principle The KISS principle The YAGNI principle CQS principle LoD Ruleset The principle of separation of responsibilities

Development Methodologies

SCRUM Methodology Kanban Methodology XP Methodology RUP Methodology RAD concept PMBOK Methodology Cobit Methodology PRINCE2 Methodology ITIL Recommendations Agile Methodology TDD development technique Antipattern Design Pattern UML Modeling Language Programming paradigm OOP Methodology REST Architecture API Component Set MVC scheme Poker Planning Technique Task burndown chart


SOAP protocol CORS mechanism


High level language Low level language Machine language Markup language


IDE development environment Trello Git system


Alpha version Beta version Legacy code Module


Memory leak process Period execution time Server side Initial data Browser PS (search engine) PO (software) OS (operating system)

Data storage

Stack A pile CDN LIFO FIFO