jQuery Tutorial for Beginners
What is jQuery?
Connecting jQuery
Getting Started with jQuery
jQuery Kits
Changing the text of an element
Writing a set to a variable
Inserting tagged text using the html method
Outputting the text of an element
Working with CSS
CSS properties with hyphens
Chains of Command
Simple selectors
jQuery Element Selector
Class selector
id selector
Element selector with class
Descendant selector
Child selectors
Neighbor selector
Attribute selector
Pseudo-class selectors
Pseudo-class :header
Pseudo-class :not
Pseudo-class :has
Pseudo-class :contains
Pseudo-classes :empty and :parent
Difference between :parent and parent()
Other jQuery Selectors
Working with the each method
Working with the map method
Working with DOM
Working with attributes
Writing a value to an attribute
Changing the values of multiple attributes
Changing attribute values using a function
Removing attributes
Remove only the attribute value
Changing one attribute-property
Creading one attribute-property
Changing multiple attribute properties
value forms
Adding a class to an element
Deleting a class
Working with the toggleClass method
Strict removal and addition of class by toggleClass method
Features of working with the hasClass method
Wrapping elements
Creating and wrapping elements
Expanding elements
Wrapping text inside tags
Wrapping multiple elements
The prepend method for inserting elements
The append method
Using the before method
After method
appendTo method
Comparison of prepend and prependTo methods
The before and insertBefore methods
after and insertAfter methods
Replacing elements with the replaceWith method
Using the replaceAll method
remove method
detach method
Removing the contents of elements
Dimensions of elements
Methods width and height
innerWidth and innerHeight methods
outerWidth and outerHeight methods
Working with a set of elements
Basics of working with a set
The length property in a set
Index method
Method not
eq method
First and last methods
has method
Slice method
Filtering elements
Working with neighbors
Siblings method
Other methods for working with neighbors in jQuery
Parent method
Search for all parents
Methods closest and parentsUntil
The children method for working with descendants
Application of the contents method
Search within found
Adding elements to the current set
Adding Elements with addBack
Previous set
Cloning elements
Check availability
Convert to array
Working with data in elements
Working with events
Event object event
Event Binding
Methods for event binding
Universal method on
Method off
One-time event
Undo default action
Submit method
Working with effects and animation
hide and show methods
slideUp and slideDown methods
slideToggle method
fadeOut and fadeIn methods
fadeToggle method
fadeTo method
animate method
Action after the effect ends
Working with a queue