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Flags for Python Regular Expression Strings

To specify flags as one of the optional parameters for methods that work with regular expressions, use the following syntax:

flags=re.flag name

Basic flags for working with regular expressions

Flag Purpose
re.IGNORECASE Ignoring the case of characters.
re.DOTALL A period represents any character, including a line break.
re.I Makes the search case insensitive.
re.L Searches for words according to the current language. This interpretation affects alphabetic grouping (\w and \W) as well as word boundary behavior (\b and \B).
re.M The $ symbol searches at the end of any line of text (not just the end of the text) and the ^ symbol searches at the beginning of any line of text (not just the beginning of the text).
re.S Changes the value of the period (.) to match any character, including a newline.
re.U Interprets letters according to the Unicode character set. This flag affects the behavior of \w, \W, \b, \B. In Python, 3+ This flag is set by default.
re.X Allows multi-line regular expression syntax. It ignores whitespace within a pattern (except whitespace within a set of [] or when escaped with a backslash) and treats unescaped '#' as a comment.


The re.IGNORECASE flag allows you to ignore the case of characters. Let's see how this is done. In this example, the regular expression will only match lowercase letters:

txt = 'aaa bbb CCC DDD' res = re.sub('[a-z]+', '!', txt) print(res)

Result of code execution:

'! ! CCC DDD'


Now let's add the re.IGNORECASE flag to the fourth parameter of the method and the regular expression will start searching for characters in all registers:

txt = 'aaa AAA bbb BBB' res = re.sub('[a-z]+', '!', txt, flags=re.IGNORECASE) print(res)

Result of code execution:

'! ! ! !'


Let's find all line breaks using a regular expression:

txt = '''aaa bbb''' res = re.sub('\n', '!', txt) print(res)

The result of the executed code:



But, if you need to replace all the characters, then putting a dot in the regular expression will not capture line breaks:

txt = '''aaa bbb''' res = re.sub('.', '!', txt) print(res)

The result of the executed code:

'!!! !!!'


To fix this error, you should use the re.DOTALL flag:

res = re.sub('.', '!', txt, flags=re.DOTALL) print(res)

The result of the executed code:



You can also pass several flags in the parameter by placing the operator + between them. Let's first replace the letter 'a' at the end of the line:

txt = ''' aaa AAA aaa''' res = re.sub('aaa$', '!', txt) print(res)

The result of the executed code:

''' aaa AAA ! '''


Now let's set the flag re.M:

res = re.sub('aaa$', '!', txt, flags=re.M) print(res)

The result of the executed code:

''' ! AAA ! '''


Let's now also apply the flag to ignore case:

res = re.sub('aaa$', '!', txt, flags=re.M+re.IGNORECASE) print(res)

The result of the executed code:

''' ! ! ! '''