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Character Groups Within Sets in Python Regular Expressions

The character groups \d, \D, \w, \W, \s, \S inside [] will denote precisely the groups, that is, they will still be commands.


In this example, the search template looks like this: between the x's there is any number or letter from 'a' to 'f':

txt = 'xax xbx x1x x2x xhx x@x' res = re.sub('x[\da-f]x', '!', txt) print(res)

Result of code execution:

'! ! ! ! xhx x@x'


In this example, the search pattern looks like this: letter 'x', then not a number, not a period, and not a lowercase Latin letter, then letter 'z':

txt = 'xaz x1z xAz x.z x@z' res = re.sub('x[^\d.a-z]z', '!', txt) print(res)

Result of code execution:

'xaz x1z ! x.z !'

Practical tasks

Write a regular expression that will find strings with the pattern: digit or dot 1 or more times.

Write a regular expression that will find lines according to the pattern: neither a number nor a letter from 'a' to 'g' from 3 to 7 times.
