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Mathematical Operations in LESS

In LESS language you can perform mathematical operations on variables and different values. Let's look at examples.


Let's add the two values:

p { font-size: 5px + 10px; }

Compilation result:

p { font-size: 15px; }


Let's subtract one value from another:

p { font-size: 25px - 10px; }

Compilation result:

p { font-size: 15px; }


Let's multiply the value by a number:

p { font-size: 5px * 5; }

Compilation result:

p { font-size: 25px; }


Let's divide the value by the number:

div { width: 100% / 3; }

Compilation result:

div { width: 33.33333333%; }


Let's add a value to the contents of the variable:

@var: 100px; div { width: @var + 100px; }

Compilation result:

div { width: 200px; }


Let's add two variables:

@var1: 100px; @var2: 200px; div { width: @var1 + @var2; }

Compilation result:

div { width: 300px; }


When attempting an operation with different units, LESS converts all units to one - the first one. Example:

div { width: 100% - 10px; }

Compilation result:

div { width: 90%; }

Practical tasks

Tell me what the result of compiling the following code will be:

#block { width: 100px * 2; }

Tell me what the result of compiling the following code will be:

#block { width: 200px / 3; }

Tell me what the result of compiling the following code will be:

@var1: 500px; @var2: 5; #block { width: @var1 / @var2; }