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replace method

The replace method searches for and replaces parts of a string. The first parameter is regular expression, and the second is the substring to replace with.


string.replace(regex, replacement);


Let's find and replace the character 'a':

let str = 'bab'; let res = str.replace(/a/, '!'); console.log(res);

The code execution result:



By default, only the first match is replaced. Let's replace the character 'a' in the string again:

let str = 'baaab'; let res = str.replace(/a/, '!'); console.log(res);

The code execution result:



Let's replace all matches with a global search:

let str = 'baaab'; let res = str.replace(/a/g, '!'); console.log(res);

The code execution result:



Let's find and replace a string with this pattern: letter 'x', then any character, then again letter 'x':

let str = 'xax eee'; let res = str.replace(/x.x/, '!'); console.log(res);

The code execution result:

'! eee'

See also

  • the replace method
    that searches for and replaces parts of a string
  • the test method
    that checks a string
  • the match method
    that searches for matches in a string
  • the matchAll method
    that searches for all matches in a string
  • the exec method
    that performs a sequential search
  • the search method
    that performs a search
  • the split method
    that splits a string