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insertBefore method

The insertBefore method allows you to insert an element before another element. It most commonly used after creating an element with createElement. The method is applied to the parent of the element before which the insertion will occur.


parent.insertBefore(element, node before which to insert);


Create a paragraph and place it before the second paragraph:

<div id="parent"> <p>elem 1</p> <p id="before">elem 2</p> <p>elem 3</p> </div> let parent = document.querySelector('#parent'); let before = document.querySelector('#before'); let p = document.createElement('p'); p.textContent = '!'; parent.insertBefore(p, before);

The code execution result:

<div id="parent"> <p>elem 1</p> <p>!</p> <p>elem 2</p> <p>elem 3</p> </div>


We add a paragraph to the beginning of the #parent element. To do this, we insert our paragraph before the first child of the #parent. This child can be found with firstElementChild:

<div id="parent"> <p>elem 1</p> <p>elem 2</p> </div> let parent = document.querySelector('#parent'); let p = document.createElement('p'); p.textContent = '!'; parent.insertBefore(p, parent.firstElementChild);

The code execution result:

<div id="parent"> <p>!</p> <p>elem 1</p> <p>elem 2</p> </div>


When passing null as the second parameter, the insertBefore method works like appendChild. At the same time, if the element has no children, firstElementChild returns null. Therefore, you can add to the beginning of an element even when it has no child elements:

<div id="parent"></div> let parent = document.querySelector('#parent'); let p = document.createElement('p'); p.textContent = '!'; parent.insertBefore(p, parent.firstChild);

The code execution result:

<div id="parent"> <p>!</p> </div>

See also
